Broadcast and Sound Engineering Technicians and Radio Operators Salary Report
Based on the latest data, broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators in the United States earn an average of $49,960.00 per year.
Key Statistics
Salary Growth & Market Trends
Track how broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators salaries have changed over time. The chart below shows key metrics including average wages and total employment, helping you understand both compensation trends and job market demand in this field.
It seems to be a good time for broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators. The data shows a clear trend upward for the annual mean salary for this field.
Data Source: All salary information is obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics program. This data represents the most recent national employment and wage estimates for over 800 occupations. Note: Salary data is updated annually by the BLS. Regional variations may exist due to differences in cost of living, industry concentration, and local market conditions.